Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Karaoke and Chief

Slowly the week is beginning to get started. Tuesday has come and gone. It was actually a really good day though.

I'll tell you about work first. I got to work on time, and about and hour after I got there my SGT told me that he was going to work on something. I looked at him said ok and he left. Well nearly as soon as he told me I forgot. So anytime someone asked for him all I could do was give a wierd look and say "uhh don't know." That didn't impress anyone but they overlooked it. Chief on the other hand had a whole list of things that I needed to do. Now please remember that I'm not very knowlegable about my job yet so I say HUH? alot. As Chief is giving me this list all i keep thinking as "holy shit I have no idea what he is talking about." Also because I seem to be the only person in the office that likes and or can use PowerPoint I get to create alot of slides. So it took me a good minute but I actually figured everything out made a bunch of phone calls, annoyed alot of sergeants but damn if I didn't get it done. After I got chief all he had asked for he looked and me and said " you did good grasshopper, you did good." I was like "hell yea" I mean shit I finally felt like I did something important, even if it was only for a second.

After work came Karaoke. I was good times. Karaoke is held at the stage around where I live so it takes very little energy to make it over there. I got up and sang "I'll think of a reason later" by LeAnn Womack and "Wiskey Lullaby" By Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss with Joe. We stood around smoking hooka (which is flavored tobacco out of a bong looking thing) and one of my friends brought me a boom boom. I don't know why he did, but I feel like it was so he could laugh at me all hyper. Trust me it worked its a little can no bigger than my hand and is the equivalant to over three and a half red bulls. I was bouncing off the walls. It was rediculous. I had a really good time though.

The sad part is that it is Maria's time to take leave. I'm going to miss her so much. Now I don't have any person to talk shit with me.

O well I guess I should get to work to start a new day.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to miss you too all the shit that we start and every thing. Damb but I will be back soon and we can cause more trouble. Kereoke was a blast i cant beleive I actually got up there and sang. Wooh that was fun tho. hopefully they have my song for when I get back from leave I can sing that one
